ROW 80 Round 4 Goals!

I did the Row 80 Round 3, but I have to say I failed spectacularly at it.  I have a bad habit of getting drawn away from goals, no matter what they are, and not keeping my nose to the grindstone.

It’s not like I’m a slacker or anything.  I could bore you to death with the list of my responsibilities and obligations, but I’m sure everyone else has just as much going on as I do, if not more.  But what I’ve come to realize is that I use those obligations as a smoke screen to distract myself from what really matters to me:  Writing.

I apparently have a huge martyr complex, where I feel like I’m not allowed to do anything that I truly enjoy unless every single item on the ol’ to-do list is accomplished, and that just ain’t never gonna happen.

So:  For this round of ROW 80, I’m going to focus on me, as a writer, and what it takes to get me in a groove and make me feel like I’m walking the walk.  To occasionally put the writing above other things, and demand a little time to do what matters to me, just because it matters to me.  (Lish!  Are you listening? You have it in writing now!)

And if that sounds selfish…well, good.

So, my goals for this round are:

Never miss a checkin.  Yes, I know for goalsetting purposes, you shouldn’t do absolutes, but I get out of good  habits pretty easily, so even if I screwed up royally during the week, post my results, take my medicine, and be accountable to myself.

Write 500 words  per day or a cumulative total of 3500 words for the week.  There will be days when life takes over and you have to pull a calf, wrestle a ram, or keep some other being living and breathing, so if I don’t hit 500 daily but make a total of 3500 for the whole week, consider it a win.

WWBC  I fell into a pile of crap and wound up smelling like roses to have the opportunity to work with Kristen, Terrell, Kerry, Piper and the other awesome folks in the group, and I’m pissing it away by not participating to the best of my abilities. So, my goal is to do my evos, re do them when requested and participate at every opportunity.  I have one due Wednesday, and I need to get motoring on it.

Non Fiction  My non fiction has taken off, and I have an obligation to contribute to a rabbit production manual for ALBC.  With the exception of my commitment to WWBC, I will work steadily on the manual and have a draft completed by the end of October.

Blogging  I will set a schedule for my blogs on Free Rein and maintain it, even if it is just to tell everyone I have nothing to say.  I put too much pressure on myself to be perfect, and I need to learn to just enjoy connecting with people, which is what this whole thing is about.  It’s too much work not to be fun.  I will also revive the blog associated with the business, as that will help me not have to field so many individual requests and emails.  Yep, I know two blogs is a one way ticket on the crazy train, but I believe I can make it work.

Taking care of myself.  I know I feel better, have more energy and more creativity when I eat clean, and work out regularly.  And if the difference between writing that novel and not writing it is more fruits and veggies, and groaning my way through a Pilates DVD, then it’s a no brainer.

Self Study  Read three craft books and two non-fiction books.  I could probably be more ambitious with the non-fiction but one of the books I’ve chosen is Game of Thrones, so that might work my brain a bit more than a Sookie Stackhouse novel. ;o)

Find an accountability partner and be, well, accountable with them! Anybody wanna be my RowSis for this go round?  Huh? Please?  I’m housebroken and everything!

Are any of you doing ROW 80 this round?  Chime in and let me know whats up with you!

Have a great week, everyone!

Oh, and BTW I’m so counting this post as my 500 words!  Woot!

15 thoughts on “ROW 80 Round 4 Goals!

  1. I’m doing ROW80 too!
    I like your goal to not miss a check-in… I started out uber organized last round, but that quickly fell apart. I was trying to report on every single word, and that just wasn’t practical. I was spending more time compiling statistics and not enough time actually writing.

    Good luck!

    • Callene Rapp says:

      Thanks, AmyBeth!

      I hear you on the starting strong and fizzling out. That’s what I’m hoping to change this go round. The writing is the most important thing.

      Good luck to you too!

  2. Callene,
    Okay I’m having goal-envy. 🙂 Mine aren’t nearly as broad or as deep. The Row80 learning has begun.


    And, definitely counts as 500 minimum.

  3. Very reasonable and well stated goals! I know what it’s like to put off writing to do other things. But ROW80 has been a good influence on me, and I’ve done well since starting it. Do the very best you can with your goals, but if you aren’t perfect, make sure you forgive yourself. Hopefully, the encouragement of other ROW80ers will help. But you have to check so we’ll know what’s going on! 🙂

  4. Hartford says:

    Fantastic goals! I agree with Lauralynn that do you best and be sure to forgive yourself on those times when maybe you don’t reach as far as you had hoped. It’s about maintaining great momentum! Stick with it!

  5. I agree that these are great, specific and manageable goals. I can also so relate to being great at meeting other goals that the writing is lost. That is why ROW80 appealed so much. I am not doing it in a bubble…there are others coming along to cheer, support and lovingly stab at me if I go off path. 🙂

  6. Nancy J Nicholson says:

    Callene, an ambitious list of goals. I’m with you. Any help you need, all you have to do is ask. But as Natalie said, one step at a time and don’t be too hard on yourself.

  7. Great goals. Good luck with them and I look forward to getting to know you during round 4 🙂

  8. Go Callene Go! Pom poms are at the ready! Wana711 cheerleaders are behind you ladies all the way!

  9. Towards the end of the last round, I started missing check-ins too, so I think that’s a fabulous goal! Good luck with all of them! Taking care of you is being responsible! Remember that. 😉

    • Callene Rapp says:

      Thanks, Angela. I have a hard time with the taking care of myself, I’m programmed to look after other people, so it will be a mindset switch, but I know it will be helpful to everyone in the long run.

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